Jessica Winder Jessica Winder

Being Fired Isn’t a Career Killer!

Everyone knows that taking risks is essential for creativity, standing out, and achieving amazing things. But why are we so terrified of trying things that might end in failure? Well, let's dig into people's motivations, and it turns out their biggest fear is often getting fired. Losing the means to support yourself and your family is a valid concern. Plus, who wants a black mark in their work history? I mean, who would hire someone who got canned from their last gig?

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Jessica Winder Jessica Winder

Healing Invisible Wounds: Unmasking the Impact of Workplace Trauma

Workplace trauma refers to the psychological and emotional damage that can be caused by negative or traumatic events that occur in the workplace. These events can include bullying, harassment, discrimination, and violence, seriously affecting employees' mental health and well-being.

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Jessica Winder Jessica Winder

Ghosting During The Hiring Process

The hiring process is a significant representation of your company culture. Statistically, 77% of applicants believe that the treatment received as a job applicant is closely related to the treatment received by the employees.

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Jessica Winder Jessica Winder

Introducing DEI In The Workplace

Striving for a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce for your organization? Here is an actionable strategy to get you started.

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