The Praise Effect: Enhancing Performance Through Words

Let's dive straight into the nitty-gritty of the workplace and why your words really, seriously matter. I mean, who would've thought that "Great job!" could lead to such deep conversations, right? Well, strap in because we're about to explore how feedback, superlatives, and effective communication can help your team go from good to great (pun intended).

So, here's the deal – studies, research, and industry experts have all chimed in to say that feedback and recognition are the magic sauce that keeps employees engaged and motivated. Josh Bersin, the industry guru, found that companies with awesome recognition programs experience 46% lower turnover rates. And if that's not enough to make you sit up and take notice, Zippia discovered that a whopping 85% of employees are likely to step up when they receive feedback. The numbers don't lie!

But why is feedback so darn effective? Well, nobody wants to feel like a cog in the corporate machine, toiling away in obscurity. It's lonely at the bottom, as they say. People thrive on recognition, and when they get the right coaching and encouragement, they can transform from strugglers to superstars. It's like watching a caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly – metaphorically, of course.

According to the Workforce Institute study, 70% of people would like their manager to do more to support mental health.

Now, let's talk about the word "Great." You know, the one you've probably used a gazillion times in those spontaneous moments of excitement and approval. Sure, it's easy to get caught up in the emotion and throw out "Great job!" like confetti at a celebration, but let's pause and think about it for a second.

What happens when everything is labeled 'Great'? Well, for starters, it dilutes the meaning. A truly great performance is like finding a unicorn – it's rare, magical, and goes above and beyond what's expected. Most employees want to overachieve, but not everyone has the skills or abilities to do so daily. If someone is constantly going beyond their job description, it's time for a promotion or a revised job description, right?

Now, let's get down to brass tacks. Overusing superlatives like "Great job" can lead to some unintended consequences. For one, if you're handing out greatness medals for routine tasks, it's like giving a gold star for showing up to work on time. It devalues the meaningful value of consistent, high-quality work and makes it harder to spot and reward genuinely exceptional performance.

It can create a dependency on the dopamine rush of hearing, "Awesome job!" If you want to nurture a high-performance culture, don't turn your team into Pavlov's hamsters chasing high-fives. Instead, let's aim for more intentional and fulfilling feedback.

Let's treat feedback as a dialogue, not a monologue. Instead of slapping labels like "Exceptional" on things, let's ask our team members how they've felt about their work lately. What's it been like leading that successful project? Have they felt empowered, overwhelmed, or maybe something else entirely? What would they do differently next time? This kind of dialogue gives insights into strengths, areas for improvement, and overall growth.

Here's the action-focused part:

  1. Be Specific: Skip the generic "Great job!" and tell employees exactly what they did well. "Your attention to detail in that report made it super easy for the team to follow."

  2. Make It A Conversation: Feedback is a two-way street. Let's learn from each other, shall we?

  3. Recognize Individual Contributions: Everyone brings their unique sauce to the table. Make sure to acknowledge that.

  4. Encourage Self-Reflection: Invite employees to think about their performance. A little introspection can go a long way.

  5. Give Feedback: Praise is great but constructive, specific, and actionable feedback is what truly helps employees improve. "You nailed it with the client presentation, but let's work on engaging the audience more next time."

  6. Follow-up: Don't let feedback be a one-hit wonder. Keep checking in and offer support when needed. "How's the new approach working for you? Do you need any help or resources?"

Clear is kind!

In the grand scheme of things, words matter. They shape our workplace culture, influence motivation, and impact performance. By being mindful of the words we use, opening up dialogues, and providing specific, constructive feedback, we can create a culture where good performance naturally evolves into greatness, and it doesn't even need a label. So, let's banish the overused "Great" and pave the way for truly exceptional teamwork.

Cheers to your team's success! 🚀


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Jessica Winder

Jessica Winder is a Senior HR Executive by day and CEO & Founder of Hidden Gem Career Coaching on nights and weekends. She is on a mission to showcase the hidden gems in Corporate America by being of service through her client's employment journey as a form of corporate social justice. Named number 45 on the top 200 LinkedIn Creators list in 2022, her signature statement is "burn traditional HR to the ground!" With a strong background in both strategic planning and tactical execution, Jessica is a dynamic and results-driven leader. Jessica is a born and raised Texan that recently relocated to Las Vegas and spends most of her free time doing hot yoga or hiking up the Red Rock Canyons with her husband, Aaron, and fur baby, Dallas.


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